Kids Halloween Costumes

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Qualities Do Modeling Agencies seek in a Model?

When a Modeling agency look out for models to represent in it's client projects, it will have to look out for a number of qualities related to the task that need to be fulfilled by the model it is going to select. The choice of models and the physical qualifications for a particular project is variable according to the job they wish to accomplish. For example, if a modeling company wants to opt for models to support ramp walks, they will have asset of requirements, next if they need a photo shoot model they will have a set of qualities they look in for. So qualities keeps changing as requirements keep changing and nothing is as permanent as it seems to be in modeling world. The important thing that a modeling agency seeks in a model is how adaptable is the model and how well is she wearing the skin of a particular costume and its mood. A model must obviously be camera-friendly and have a great body that can be showed with delight.

But if you ask anyone outside the field about how a model must look or What Qualities Do Modeling Agencies seek in a Model, they all might answer that a model must be pretty and very thin. But as far as the truth is concerned, a lot of filtering process goes through while a modeling company selects a model. The modeling agencies take a lot of pain and care in selecting different types of models to satisfy the group of clients and task they give them. In this article, you can find out a few important Qualities that Modeling Agencies seek in a Model, which you may even feel surprised to know.

One of the main qualities the modeling agencies check on the models they hire is the model's Ethnicity. The modeling agencies would prefer to choose the ethnicity totally depending on the client's product or given task. In fact the race of the model will actually be an extremely significant factor when a model is being chosen. A lot of companies out there would like to choose for models with a unique, ethnic look. Mainly, ethnicity of the model is decided acceding to the target audience that the agency's client wants to aim for.

The next important thing that plays a vital role in an agency choosing a model is the gender of the model. Just like how ethnicity plays an important role, gender also plays an important role in determining the need of the client. Again the gender they will want to choose will depend up on the target audience the client's are aiming at.

In the recent past, female models with zero size looks were ruling the roost, but now the time has changed and lot of plus size models and being taken into the task. Zero size models are like dream and they are not able to be close to the audience and hence pulse size models are chosen so that audience can relate themselves to the models.

Gardenia Jaicee is an author for modeling agencies. She has written various articles on famous models. For information visit our site model agencies.


Top Model Tips

Preteen Modeling or Preteen Models

So you want to be a top model but you’re not exactly skyscraper tall with bird-fine bone structure?  Fear not!  You can have model-esque features—at least hand-model-esque!  Dubbed the “Heidi Klum of hand models” by New York Magazine, Christina Ambers is a renowned hand and foot model, and of course, she has all of the best tips for keeping your hands and feet soft, beautiful, and totally touchable during the frigid and dry winter months.

Being the hand and foot stand in for actresses and celebrities like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Natalie Portman, Christy Turlington, and Linda Evangelista (yes, even the face and body gals need stand ins for hands and feet!) has taught Ms. Ambers a thing or two about keeping her digits in tip-top shape.

Check out her easy to follow advice for well-manicured hands and feet:

1.) Be sure to moisturize before (and after!) going outside! There’s no such thing as too much moisture!

2.) Always carry a hand moisturizer with you that you can apply throughout the day.  Christina swears by the Dermelect Timeless Anti-Aging Daily Hand Treatment. The four-ounce soft tube can be stashed anywhere, even your clutch, for instant relief from dryness.

3.) “Gloves are like shoes for your feet,” says Ambers, so invest in a few different pairs!  Whether they’re sleek leather, fun fur, or practical hobo, gloves protect your hands from the harsh cold and add a fun accent to your winter wear.

4.) Gloves aren’t just for the outdoors. Christina swears by gloves for household chores. Whether it’s washing the dishes, dusting or cleaning the bathroom, always protect your hands from the chemicals in cleaning products!

5.) If your hands are really suffering from the dryness in the air, deep condition them overnight by lathering on a rich hand cream and wearing cotton gloves to bed. Ambers applies and reapplies her favorite Timeless Anti-Aging Hand Treatment because it not only softens, but targets age spots too! She loves skincare products that are dual purpose because they minimize the clutter in your beauty cabinet and double protect your skin!

6.) In order for your hands to properly absorb your hand moisturizer, Ambers suggests exfoliating your hands and cuticles once or twice a week. Afterwards, she loves to apply the Dermelect Rejuvenail Fortifying Nail & Cuticle Cream to fend off ragged cuticles and hangnails! Most hand and cuticle creams attract dust under the nail tips (a no-no for hand models), but Dermelect’s Rejuvenail even wards off dust and keeps Ambers’s cuticles smooth.

7.) Wash your hands with lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water opens your pores and dries out your skin.

8.) Avoid harsh, anti-bacterial soaps because they really dry out the skin.  After you wash your hands, pat dry your hands and apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp; this allows for optimum absorption.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to Become a Teenage Model

Teenage Modeling a lucrative world 

Runways, high fashion, the catwalk and contracts are all part of the lucrative world of modeling. Tyra Banks and Nikki Taylor were both popular teen models who became very successful and continued modeling throughout their adulthood. These two models demonstrated that hard work, time and knowing how to do a good interview are all required if you want to be successful in the modeling industry. It goes without saying that getting into the modeling industry is difficult for anyone to do. However, when you are a teenager, there are a few extra hurdles you must handle before you can even potentially become a model.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
  Things You'll Need:    
  Parental permission      

1)  Get permission from your parents. If you're a minor, you must have your parent's permission in order to get into modeling. Otherwise you have to wait until youre 18 or become emancipated from them. Talk to your parents about your goals and help them to understand your position. Encourage them to be a part of your dream and ask their opinion. If they expect you to fulfill other obligations such as school, don't scoff at the idea. Instead, do what they say so you can get their consent.
2)  Make a portfolio. Before you sign with an agent or attend casting calls, you must have a portfolio that demonstrates your range as a model. Hire a photographer to shoot the portfolio. This step in the process does cost money. Make sure you have a range of photos that include head shots and full body length shots. The purpose of these photos is to catch the eye of the company that is hiring and to distinguish yourself from other models trying to get the same job.
3)  Hire an agent. Once you've put your portfolio together it's time to hire an agent. Visit local talent agencies or national agencies such as Barbizon and John Robert Powers to inquire about representation. Understand that these agencies will not talk to you unless at least one of your parents is present. In addition, your parents must sign contracts for you because you are a minor. Three important qualities when choosing an agent are past experience, having industry connections and knowledge of the business.
4)  Educate yourself. Just because you’ve found an agent, don't stop there. Instead, make a point to gather as much knowledge as you can. Take modeling classes and perfect your skills. Often, your agency will offer classes or know of a modeling coach in your area. Learn the basics, such as walking a runway, posing and how to do an interview. Gaining this essential knowledge will only help you in the future.
5)  Maintain and strive to improve your personal appearance. Go to the gym on a regular basis and tone your body. Keep in mind this doesn't necessarily mean you have to be skinny. However, you do need to have tone and definition when it comes to your physical appearance.
6)  Attend auditions and casting calls. Once you have an agent and a portfolio, it's time to find a job. Attend as many auditions and casting calls as you can. Don't be disappointed if you get turned down several times. Companies have a predetermined concept of what they're looking for before you even walk in the door. You either fit the bill or you don’t. After all, many successful models know that you have to have few doors slammed in your face before a door opens up.

Tips & Warnings
• Go to several agencies before deciding on an agent. You want to make the right decision, so take your time and don't feel pressured.
• Don't try to break into modeling without an agent. It,s an agent's job to have the knowledge of who's hiring and where auditions and casting calls are. Trying to do this on your own is very difficult.

Read more: How to Become a Teenage Model | eHow.com

Friday, January 14, 2011

Young Preteen Models

Young Preteen Models

Preteen models belong to the age group of early adolescents and those before. Modeling is a highly promising realm for those in the preteen group. They can represent in fashion modeling, newspaper advertisements, TV commercials, fashion modeling, billboards, magazine covers, etc. Preteen models, teen and young models, fashion models, etc. can act as props for exhibiting lifestyle articles such as designer dresses, ornaments, apparel accessories, cosmetic items and even educational courses and products. They may include young boys and girls and kids also.

Preteen models belong to the diversity of ethnic and geographical backgrounds. Among them, there are Latin American, Russian, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, West Asian, African, etc. The preteen models, being minors, need to be attended by their guardians in their career. The ever-increasing commercialization has necessitated growth of fashion modeling and preteen modeling. In fact, many famous actresses like Brooke Shields, Katherine Heigl and Lindsay Lohan started their career as preteen models. Another successful child model is Lissane Falk. Falk also started as child fashion model and later became an actress. Many child models have become successful in the modeling industry and the trend has attracted several parents and preteens to modeling. However, it is often difficult to launch the career of a model. It is all the more difficult in the face of growing competition. Models who are already in the field and those who have relationship with modeling agencies may find it easier to get casting calls than those who are new to the field.

Most of the celebrities in the modeling industry have entered the field through preteen modeling. Celebrities like Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Beverly Johnson, Janice Dickinson, Tyra Banks, Gisele Bundchen, Christie Brinkley, Petra Nemcova, etc. belong to this group of celebrity models. Other well-known models like Natalia Vodianova, Karolina Kurkova, Lily Cole, Gemma Ward, etc. They were young preteen models, entered the world of fashion and modeling in their teens and have stayed great ever since and grew in to celebrity status.

Preteen and other models may appear in their best appearance suggestive of a luxurious life. In fact, they have gained success through a series of workouts and preparations. If they grow to be fashion models, appearing in magazines and billboards, sometimes they need to forget modesty. Fashion modeling is subject to informal posing, sometimes to nudity. In order to present the best of the modeling talents of preteens, seasoned and skilled photographers' service is essential. Precision is the hallmark of good fashion modeling photography and precision in the art can make or mar the quality of the photography.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tips for Pre-Teen Modeling

Tips for Pre-Teen Modeling

Practical tips can be of immense help for preteen modeling. Pre-teens, as the name indicates, are young children. Owing to their premature age, the little boys and girls are not sensible enough to give adequate attention to the proper development of their modeling features. In other words, they need proper grooming. Hence, the parent or guardian needs to take a keen interest in the development of the child. As modeling is a highly competitive area, the grooming for the profession is a highly demanding job. Today's show business arena as a whole is highly advanced. Hence, primarily, proper industry knowledge is required for anyone to venture into this highly competitive field. As such, both the parent or guardian and the preteen should keep abreast of the latest developments in this field around the world. This you can get from the Internet or international modeling publications.

Another practical tip for pre-teen modeling is with respect to the physical growth of the child. As modeling is an arena where health and graceful looks are the sine qua non, you should pay utmost attention to the physical growth of the pre-teen. As it is the very young age, proper and nutritious diet is to be ensured. Food rich in calcium and protein should be included in the diet in the optimum quantity. It is always advisable to follow the prescription of a properly qualified and experienced medical doctor who has sufficient knowledge in nutrition and dietetics. Why is this of paramount significance? Unless the diet of the child is in consonance with the requirements of the age and the profession, the growth of the child may suffer from various nutritional imbalances and which might reflect in the overall wellness and appearance of the child.

You will find it a very useful tip when I say you should associate with a modeling agency of your place. The agency should be actively engaged in fielding preteen models. Also, you should associate with modeling photographers. Make it a point to fix photographers whose shots regularly appear in modeling and lifestyle magazines and other publications. Equally important is to create a classic portfolio of the preteen. The portfolio should have snaps of the best quality available. The snaps should be shot by the best professional photographer you can get. Also, you need the service of an experienced makeup artist for you photo session. As the preteen is minor and inexperienced, the child need be groomed under the care and control of the parent or guardian.


Friday, January 7, 2011

American Preteen Models And Teen Modeling

American Child Models And Teen Modeling

The internet has opened up a whole new door for American child models as online modeling agencies cater to this type of modeling as well as teen modeling. When you go online, you will see all types of models. There are models online for ads that advertise just about anything and everything. There are many jobs available, but you have to work through an agency.

Online teen modeling is like any other type of modeling. Many teen models start out as American child models. Most of the firms that want online American child models will work with an online model world agency. They will use the agency to find the models that are perfect for the look that they want to present. Just as they would browse through a catalog at an off line agency, they do the same at an online agency. Those who are interested in obtaining online modeling jobs need to make sure that they are part of the catalog.

It is easier for clients to find online American child models when they look through an online model world agency. Rather than try to screen the American child models themselves, they prefer to save the time and go right to the source. Anyone who wants to be a model needs to have their pictures on the site. This is also true of teen modeling.

In addition to photographs, there should be a profile of the American child model. This lists height and weight as well as clothing sizes and previous modeling experience. Clients can look at these profiles and then offer models a job online modeling. This can sometimes require just the use of the current photos, or it may entail actually going to a modeling shoot. The type of online child or teen modeling jobs that are offered depend on the client.

Often, the client just wants to have a photograph on their website. In such cases, they will choose from the photos that are part of the online modeling agency and take their pick. Models get paid for allowing the use of their photos for the client.

In some cases, the client will want to get more than just the photos that the model has in the portfolio. In such cases, the client will pay expenses for a photo shoot. Larger companies that advertise online will usually look for models who are willing to travel and take new photos. This is mostly true when it comes to adult or teen modeling. Once discovered, the model may be able to cross over from being an online model to modeling for magazines.

Online modeling is the first step towards being a model. Anyone who is seriously interested in a modeling career should have a portfolio and profile listed at online modeling agencies. It is necessary to have your photo out there if you want to be a model so that clients can discover your talents. You can also use the online modeling agency to look for jobs on your own as clients will often post jobs to those who are part of the agency.

The internet keeps growing every day. There is more of a need for child and teen modeling than ever before. If you have always wanted your child to be a model, you should consider modeling online.

One way to get started in the teen modeling world for American child models is to join an online modeling agency. You can get started in online modeling by going to Online Model World.


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